Saturday, September 22, 2012

Wedding decoration in purple and pink, favorite combination of brides

Weddings in purple and pink are everywhere. It is the combination preferred by brides. It can be very elegant, very romantic or fun depending on the shades and accessories you use. You decide how to use these colors.

Wedding decoration, purple and pink

Wedding decoration in purple and pink has enchanted us. It looks very nice and is ultra simple to do. Purple and pink are two warm colors that may look great in different ways, with a dark purple and pink cake or vice versa. Can be combined with green, white, nude colors and even with the black. It all depends on the type of wedding you want. Your wedding will be elegant, vintage, modern or outdoors? What day or night? As you choose, purple and pink will remain good.

This combination is a very feminine and pretty sweet. You have to have some patience not cheesy again. I highly recommend using it on white cloth to avoid saturating the atmosphere. Stay away from gold if you want to use this combination, may not look right together. Opt for the glass if you want to give an elegant feeling and white wood and wildflowers if you want a more casual look.